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Funergizers: Helping 'People Focused' Business Leaders BUILD TEAMS Which Are HIGHLY ENGAGED, ENERGIZED and EFFECTIVE!

59% of Businesses believe their Team Leaders DON'T HAVE THE SKILLS or ABILITY to engage their teams...

Engage Your Employee and Build Your Team, Funergizers

Used by hundreds of companies world wide, including...

Clients, Team Building Activities, Funergizers

Funergizers can easily be integrated into your...

tickTeam Meetings - Boost energy in your Virtual or Face to Face meetings

tickConferences and Team Days - Whether it's a 5 minute ice-breaker or 2 hour Team Bonding Experience

tickTraining Programs - Activities to help 'Break the Ice' and 'Energize' participants

tickStaff Social Events - More than just having a 'beer at the pub', Funergizers provides you with a range of fun, interactive experiences guaranteed to bring life to your next get together

tickWorkplace - Activities, resources and ideas to help you create a work place which pumps!

Employee Engagement Activities - Funergizers

Building your Team or Culture is more than a 'Once a Year' event!

"It's like bathing - Something you NEED TO DO EVERYDAY...otherwise you'll start to stink!"

Funergizers have been designed to make it easy for you!

Tried and Tested

We have delivered these activities to THOUSANDS of people. We know they work and we know WHY they work!

Easy to Deliver

You receive step-by-step instructions, checklists, how-to videos and expert tips to ensure it's a raging success!

Highly Interactive

Funergizers are designed to get your staff interacting, having fun and building strong connections.

Full Support

Need some help? Speak with an accredited Funergizers Facilitator, who can HELP YOU every step of the way!

Not Sure if Funergizers is Right for You or Your Organisation?

Who Funergizers IS for?

Organisations and Business Leaders who first and foremost value their staff. They understand if staff are engaged and happy, customers will be happy and it's this which will then create great results

Organisations who are willing to provide their Leaders with the necessary tools and resources to create higly energized and engaging team environments

Corporate Culture Clubs, Human Resources and L&D Teams wanting an easily accessible resource library full of fresh ideas, activities and tools to make it easier for them to build a positive organisational culture

Team Leaders and Senior Managers working hard at the front line needing support and resources to help them foster positive, engaged and effective teams

Who Funergizers ISN'T for?

Anyone looking for a quick fix. Building a positive team and workplace culture takes time.

Anyone thinking they can do one or two activities and believe that will be enough to expect huge changes straight away. Like anything worthwhile you need to be committed and consistent with your new habits.

Any Leader not willing to look at their own behaviour and realise that the success of your team is largely driven by you, your behaviour and the kind of environment you create.

Any organisation or Leader who puts profit before people.  We firmly believe that the purpose behind EVERY BUSINESS is to help make the world a better place to be. Yes profit is important, because if we aren't making money we can't stay in business. However the moment we use profit as our key deciding factor is the moment we fail to truly serve our community.


Here Are a Few Other FAQs We Get Alot...

What Does a Full Membership Cost?

There are a number of different price points depending upon the number of User Accounts and level of access you need.

To find the best membership for your business check out the different Funergizers Packages.

How Easy Are Funergizers to Deliver?

By providing you with a mix of step by step instructions, checklists, scripts and how to videos, we have designed Funergizers to be very easy to deliver.

If you feel like 'running team building activities' is not your thing, the best thing to do it delegate it to someone within your team - you'll easily be able to find someone in your team who loves to do this stuff!!!

Can I Share My Membership with Other People at Work?

Yes and No. You are not permitted to share your membership with people outside of your organisation. Given you'll have personal details attached to your account we highly recommend you keep it in-house.

We have a number of different Membership packages based on how many Users will need to access Funergizers. Keep in mind though that Users will be able to personalise their experience within the members area.

Can I Talk to Someone if I Need Help?

YES DEFINTLEY!! Our whole purpose is to ensure you succeed when using Funergizers. If there's anything we can do to help or any questions you may have please make sure you reach out. We'd love to hear from you...Let's Chat Now.

Do You Provide a Refund if I Change My Mind?

If you are having any issues with using Funergizers or the platform, please reach out for support and we'll gladly help you out. Make sure you attend our regular 'skills' and 'momentum' sessions as well.

Each DIY Team Activity and #GetFunergized Membership also comes with a 30 Day money back guarantee.

Can I Upgrade My Membership at Anytime?

You sure can!

If you ever need additional user accounts or would like to upgrade from an annual membership to lifetime, you'll find an 'upgrade' option in your members account.