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30 Day Engagement Challenge

Build New Daily HabitsTick

Make a Positive Impact on OthersTick

Easily Integrate into MeetingsTick

30 Day Engagement Challenge

  • Use 4 Key Principles of 'Mood Boosting' to shift yours and your teams mindset
  • Just 10 minutes a day - easily integrate it into your normal work day
  • Comes with a 4 x Part Video Series - talking about each Key Principle
  • Supportive Posters and Flash Cards to reinforce Key Principles

Building Positive Habits to Make Lasting Change (Valued $697)

Improve Team Performance, Funergizers Team Activities

Using the 30 Day Challenge...

an employment services team improved team engagement by 10% which increased performance by 47%! Just 5 Minutes a Day for 30 Days